1.   As a Revlon marketing executive, Nikuradse determined the best way to promote beauty products from advertising to packaging.

2.   But it does his memory no dishonor to look for better ways to promote Cuban freedom.

3.   Kamasz was in the United States to look for new ways to promote baseball.

4.   New authors are always encouraged to be imaginative in finding ways to promote their work, but Vise at the moment is being denounced for going overboard.

5.   Regardless of whether the drivers call off their protest, the mayor said he planned to look for new ways to promote competition in city transportation.

6.   The deals are often structured with the network taking an equity stake in the PVR firm in exchange for getting ways to promote their own programming to viewers.

7.   There she discovered a new way to promote pantheism, which maintains the universe as a whole, not a god, should be held in reverence.

8.   But they said the best way to promote worker rights and the environment was to raise the living standards of trading partners through expanded trade.

9.   Elsewhere, the United States has been looking for ways to promote a peace process in Sudan, but previously had little leverage with the Islamic government there.

10.   Elsewhere, the United States has been looking for ways to promote a peace process in Sudan, but previously had little leverage with the Islamic government in Khartoum.

n. + promote >>共 641
company 5.28%
government 5.05%
pressure 4.25%
wind 2.27%
group 1.99%
official 1.82%
program 1.64%
step 1.19%
breeze 1.19%
disturbance 1.02%
way 0.79%
way + v. >>共 832
be 58.34%
do 1.57%
make 1.52%
get 1.38%
have 0.89%
help 0.72%
improve 0.70%
cut 0.60%
see 0.50%
keep 0.47%
promote 0.18%
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