1.   Evenings like this have a way of going on!

2.   Things like this have a way of surprising you.

3.   Lord Mayor, the Labour Group in have a way of bandying words about without any action.

4.   But the Bank of Japan, with or without secret sessions, does not usually have its way in the conduct of monetary policy.

5.   Errors committed to print have a way of taking on an air of authority.

6.   Governments, no matter how well intentioned, have a way of making situations worse.

7.   Most of the relief will go to people in the upper middle income range or higher if the Republicans have their way.

8.   Prisoners, having no constituency, have few ways of getting their stories out to a public that is exasperated with crime.

n. + have >>共 127
look 9.05%
way 3.81%
drink 3.33%
chance 2.86%
right 2.38%
cup 1.90%
ability 1.90%
computer 1.90%
go 1.43%
good 1.43%
way + n. >>共 1547
thing 5.09%
people 2.45%
game 1.62%
life 0.99%
team 0.94%
money 0.91%
work 0.73%
man 0.70%
put 0.63%
business 0.60%
have 0.21%
每页显示:    共 8