1.   Cyclospora, a recently identified protozoan, causes symptoms that include a loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal cramping and watery diarrhea that can persist for weeks.

2.   Cyclospora infects the small intestine and most often causes watery diarrhea.

3.   In its most severe form, cholera causes profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting.

4.   It starts out with watery diarrhea and severe abdominal cramping.

5.   Severe cholera produces copious amounts of painless watery diarrhea, often gallons a day.

6.   Symptoms include watery diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite and abdominal cramps.

7.   The bacteria produce a toxin that causes hemorrhagic colitis, earmarked by severe abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea that becomes bloody.

8.   The parasite can cause watery diarrhea, nausea, malaise, vomiting, low-grade fever and severe weight loss.

9.   They include watery diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, low-grade fevers and blood in the stool.

a. + diarrhea >>共 44
severe 37.59%
bloody 31.03%
chronic 4.14%
watery 3.10%
acute 2.41%
violent 1.72%
intense 1.38%
serious 1.38%
frequent 1.03%
constant 1.03%
watery + n. >>共 157
eye 15.92%
grave 10.03%
diarrhea 3.11%
environment 2.77%
diarrhoea 1.73%
stool 1.38%
soup 1.38%
dye 1.04%
bed 1.04%
beer 1.04%
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