1.   We must eliminate wasteful expenditures.

2.   In other words, local carriers would not be allowed to pass along the cost of wasteful expenditures they make as a regulated utility insulated from competition.

3.   Nothing in the Act recommends this reading, and the Court is unwilling to impute to Congress an intention to require such a wasteful expenditure of judicial resources.

4.   These are small amounts, and there are far more wasteful expenditures they are ignoring.

5.   To achieve the fiscal deficit target, the United Front said its government would cut wasteful expenditure, restrict borrowing and retire debt.

6.   Anwar has pushed through widespread cutbacks in an attempt to arrest falling economic indexes and stop wasteful expenditure since the economic downslide started last year.

7.   Anwar has pushed through widespread cutbacks in an attempt to arrest falling economic indexes and stop wasteful expenditure since the economic downslide started last July.

8.   He reasoned that in the past the sor kor fund had been earmarked for piecemeal projects, resulting in wasteful expenditure with few tangible results.

9.   Lawmakers have said the government should crack down on theft of public money and wasteful expenditure before it considers such steps.

10.   A watchdog panel has sniffed out wasteful expenditure by the Indian government, which rented kennels for non-existent police dogs, press reports said Monday.

a. + expenditure >>共 249
public 12.50%
military 4.13%
independent 3.91%
state 3.37%
total 2.72%
large 2.17%
federal 2.07%
advertising 2.07%
additional 1.74%
unnecessary 1.63%
wasteful 1.30%
wasteful + n. >>共 82
practice 10.14%
government 9.46%
expenditure 8.11%
use 4.05%
program 3.38%
way 2.70%
giveaway 2.03%
investment 2.03%
project 2.03%
pattern 1.35%
每页显示:    共 12