1.   Not much compared with a redundant commercial package wasting shelf space.

2.   Bigger drives require bigger clusters, so more space is wasted per file.

3.   I listened to an audio tour, which comes with admission, through the cramped hallways, engine rooms, and torpedo rooms where no space is wasted.

4.   In creating a functional and fashionable kitchen, no space is wasted.

5.   It was short and blunt as an anvil, wasting little space in exposing the addressee as a myopic fool groping in the dark for hasty conclusions.

6.   Stuffing the bird loosely wastes space.

7.   The black plastic on the dash, including blank panels that wasted valuable space, is hard and cheap-looking.

8.   Wasted space.

9.   We were warned to choose the object carefully and not to waste any space.

10.   Why not move the keyboard back and turn that wasted space into a wrist-rest?

v. + space >>共 577
have 5.51%
share 3.95%
find 3.87%
rent 3.87%
create 3.85%
provide 3.50%
fill 3.35%
use 3.22%
lease 3.19%
need 2.89%
waste 0.30%
waste + n. >>共 274
time 29.15%
money 11.23%
chance 5.93%
opportunity 5.86%
energy 2.83%
resource 2.41%
effort 1.72%
lot 1.72%
talent 1.59%
water 1.52%
space 0.83%
每页显示:    共 12