1.   But already there are signs that some wastes are seeping beyond the original confines.

2.   Radioactive waste is slowly seeping into the surrounding water and air.

3.   Toxic waste seeps into our wells and reservoirs, and they call this journalism.

4.   The waste had seeped into inland waters, including the Thi Vai river.

n. + seep >>共 214
water 18.79%
blood 3.94%
gas 3.25%
air 2.78%
oil 2.78%
rain 2.32%
word 1.86%
chemical 1.62%
moisture 1.16%
smoke 1.16%
waste 0.93%
waste + v. >>共 124
be 39.96%
come 3.71%
contain 2.84%
have 2.62%
include 2.40%
cause 2.40%
flow 1.97%
continue 1.53%
leak 1.53%
remain 1.31%
seep 0.87%
每页显示:    共 4