1.   The real solution to the waste problem is to produce much less waste.

2.   ...the potential of greatly reducing our solid waste problem.

3.   However, with the US plastic waste problem escalating to crisis proportion, the need to allow for environmental and health-related costs is becoming obvious.

4.   But a program for encasement and storage has suffered from major delays and for years the waste problem was a low priority.

5.   But even if all production of high-level nuclear waste were to cease tomorrow, we still have a staggering waste problem to solve.

6.   But Rogowski, who formerly worked at the Energy Department on nuclear waste problems, expressed some uneasiness about the dry-storage idea.

7.   Meanwhile, Congress is considering six bills to deal with the waste problem.

8.   That could change if the radioactive waste problem were solved or de-emphasized due to the need for more power.

9.   The company, like other utilities, would like the waste problem solved first.

10.   The convention calls on countries to reduce exports of hazardous wastes to a minimum and deal with their waste problems within their own borders where possible.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
waste 0.05%
waste + n. >>共 300
disposal 11.23%
water 9.12%
dump 6.34%
management 5.92%
site 5.15%
storage 3.55%
time 3.25%
treatment 2.94%
shipment 2.78%
material 2.68%
problem 1.03%
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