1.   After cleaning and washing the brush, dip it in the conditioning solution for a few minutes.

2.   Afterward, wash the brush in warm, soapy water to remove the solvent.

3.   Wash sponge brush and allow it to dry.

4.   You buy barbercide by the quart to wash your brushes.

v. + brush >>共 135
have 20.98%
use 10.62%
clear 9.07%
dip 2.85%
hold 2.85%
survive 1.81%
clean 1.81%
get 1.55%
run 1.55%
put 1.30%
wash 1.04%
wash + n. >>共 430
hand 21.28%
dish 8.39%
clothes 7.37%
car 6.88%
hair 4.20%
face 2.54%
window 2.29%
body 1.56%
blood 1.22%
wall 1.12%
brush 0.20%
每页显示:    共 4