1.   It is also trying to warn outside powers against granting visas to Taiwanese political leaders.

2.   Iran and Turkmenistan warned outside powers not to meddle in Caspian affairs and expressed alarm at a growing militarization of the Caspian.

3.   Iran warned outside powers not to meddle in Caspian affairs and said it was alarmed at a growing militarization of the region.

4.   Khatami insisted that all decisions concerning the Caspian must be made on the basis of equality and consensus and warned outside states against interfering.

5.   Iranian parliamentary speaker Ali Akbar Nategh Nuri, who was welcoming Saadun at the airport, welcomed regional cooperation on security, but warned against outside interference.

v. + outside >>共 745
stand 5.38%
gather 5.20%
wait 3.63%
park 2.79%
live 2.66%
go 2.55%
explode 2.21%
work 1.85%
sit 1.77%
demonstrate 1.77%
warn 0.03%
warn + p. >>共 35
about 32.44%
in 21.22%
on 16.42%
for 7.26%
from 4.52%
at 3.07%
before 2.74%
to 2.68%
after 1.56%
during 1.51%
outside 0.28%
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