1.   The UNIP conducted a determined campaign during which Kaunda warned that he would deal mercilessly with MMD if he was returned to power.

2.   And if you simply delete some of it, this results in warning after warning during the boot sequence.

3.   BJP could emerge as the only gainers after the government fell today, United Front and Congress members warned during the debate.

4.   In his eulogy, Peres said that Rabin warned him during the rally of the threat of an assassination.

5.   It is filled with the kinds of Washingtonians that George W. warned against during his campaign for the White House.

6.   Some said they had been warned during the campaigning that they would be attacked if they supported Kibaki.

7.   Treads that peel off entirely and without warning during highway driving have been blamed for dozens of deaths in Ford Explorers equipped with Firestone tires.

8.   Without the merger, Stolpe warned during the campaign, Brandenburg would not benefit from the expected emergence of Berlin as a major world capital.

9.   Foreign Minister David Levy warned during the meeting that such a step would bring the peace process to a halt, Israel radio said.

10.   Gbagbo warned during a final campaign day rally Saturday that voter fraud was possible.

v. + during >>共 1155
come 2.75%
kill 2.65%
say 1.96%
occur 1.85%
make 1.77%
die 1.73%
be 1.37%
do 1.33%
injure 1.32%
use 1.12%
warn 0.07%
warn + p. >>共 35
about 32.44%
in 21.22%
on 16.42%
for 7.26%
from 4.52%
at 3.07%
before 2.74%
to 2.68%
after 1.56%
during 1.51%
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