1.   Global warming will affect all of us.

2.   Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.

3.   Global warming may also affect another prime food source, the army cutworm moth.

4.   Global warming could also affect the size and frequency of forest fires.

5.   Meanwhile, hard-nosed experts have had to admit that they do not know enough to predict precisely how global warming will affect life on earth.

6.   Researchers have long accepted that global warming will affect a wide range of organisms, but they are only now beginning to predict what those will be.

7.   Fueling the debate, the United States on Wednesday presented a report saying global warming could affect populations of krill and other foods eaten by whales.

8.   Gerald Meehl of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, agreed it will take more study to understand how global warming might affect El Nino.

9.   Government experts on Sunday finalized the report with results of extensive investigation into how global warming will affect different countries and regions of the world.

10.   Government experts today finalized the report with results of extensive investigation into how global warming will affect different countries and regions of the world.

v. + affect >>共 116
flood 10.14%
be 7.73%
warming 5.31%
fighting 4.83%
age 1.93%
lose 1.45%
funding 1.45%
have 1.45%
ration 1.45%
flooding 0.97%
warming + v. >>共 93
be 36.39%
cause 7.91%
affect 3.48%
continue 3.16%
have 3.16%
occur 3.16%
increase 1.58%
become 1.27%
bring 1.27%
result 1.27%
每页显示:    共 11