1.   When I am painting summer scenes I use the eggshell, and for winter scenes I use the warm cream.

2.   Add it to the warm cream and stir until the gelatin dissolves.

3.   Add the warm cream in a thin stream, and mix well.

4.   If the sauce is too thick, thin it with a little warm cream.

5.   Into each, pour a little warm heavy cream and a pat of butter.

6.   Steaming forces the aroma of scallions, ginger and peppercorns to permeate the bird like a vanilla bean infusing warm cream.

7.   Using circular motions to create a lather, he applied the warm cream to my face.

8.   Wearing oven mitts, carefully pour in the warm cream.

9.   Warm cream in separate saucepan.

a. + cream >>共 208
whipped 42.75%
heavy 12.08%
remaining 3.21%
sweetened 1.82%
whipping 1.74%
hot 1.65%
thick 1.48%
fresh 1.30%
anti-wrinkle 0.87%
soured 0.78%
warm 0.78%
warm + n. >>共 858
weather 10.43%
water 7.71%
air 6.64%
welcome 4.55%
temperature 2.49%
day 2.25%
reception 2.18%
relation 1.60%
winter 1.48%
feeling 1.48%
cream 0.14%
每页显示:    共 9