1.   Israel accepted billions of dollars in war reparations.

2.   A portion of the money must be used to pay war reparations to Kuwait and to feed the Kurdish minority.

3.   But this generally lighthearted Vietnam caper does try to teach a lesson of sorts, since the gift of an elephant becomes a form of war reparations.

4.   Iran says that Iraq owes it billions of dollars in war reparations.

5.   Proceeds go into an account administered by the United Nations to buy food, medicine and other goods and to pay war reparations.

6.   The bill says it would entitle anyone who was a US citizen during World War II and who was forced into slave labor to collect war reparations.

7.   The Soviet Union brought much of the treasure home at the end of the war, justifying the seizure as a form of war reparations.

8.   The U.S. government contended that the papers were war loot and that any profits made from a book based on them should go toward war reparations.

9.   This is to say nothing of the obligation to pay tens of billions of dollars in war reparations.

10.   Unless Russia accepted his terms on war reparations, Chechen Acting Prime Minister Shamil Basaev warned in July, he would shut down the pipeline immediately.

n. + reparation >>共 11
war 72.46%
slavery 13.77%
pay 4.35%
slave 3.62%
cash 1.45%
apartheid 0.72%
form 0.72%
government 0.72%
holocaust 0.72%
victim 0.72%
war + n. >>共 664
zone 12.11%
effort 7.06%
veteran 6.49%
hero 4.14%
plane 2.73%
story 2.39%
victim 2.23%
year 2.18%
front 1.93%
prisoner 1.87%
reparation 1.78%
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