1.   Democratic leaders want more spending on health and education.

2.   In their push for more research and development in poor countries, the authors want more spending on higher education, but without a retreat from primary education.

3.   Republicans want less spending on targeted proposals and more broad-based tax relief.

4.   Others want more spending on education.

5.   Because many lawmakers of both parties also want more spending, the GOP will have to find nearly that much just to push most of the bills through Congress.

6.   But the Communists, who dominate the parliament, want more spending on social programs to help hard-pressed citizens and ailing state industries.

v. + spending >>共 10
cut 60.00%
want 10.91%
keep 7.27%
freeze 5.45%
hold 5.45%
find 3.64%
allow 1.82%
maintain 1.82%
note 1.82%
push 1.82%
want + a. >>共 212
dead 6.67%
different 5.98%
to_blame 4.83%
better 4.37%
bad 2.76%
new 2.53%
available 2.30%
special 1.61%
spending 1.38%
next 1.38%
每页显示:    共 6