1.   I wanted people, a friend, somebody to talk to ... somebody who could help me escape from my island.

2.   They want young people with fresh ideas.

3.   We want people who have read some literature.

4.   We did not want people on the show who are purely interested in plugging a book or film.

5.   We do not want people prying into our affairs.

6.   The committee wanted people with a good knowledge of the village and its residents.

7.   All people really wanted, Dorcas considered, was to be left alone.

8.   Again you want both people there.

9.   Now I have one of those erm it is a luxury because I have erm six companies where I want people in the north east.

10.   You want people who feel confident in a group.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
want 0.19%
want + n. >>共 1538
part 1.94%
independence 1.91%
job 1.88%
money 1.73%
peace 1.65%
change 1.52%
assurance 1.03%
help 0.97%
information 0.97%
control 0.92%
people 0.48%
每页显示:    共 84