1.   Further acts of aggression by the Soviet bloc seemed possible in a number of vulnerable regions such as Germany and Yugoslavia.

2.   Consider that the Chinese regions most vulnerable to global tensions are along the relatively poor northeastern and far western borders.

3.   Consider too that the Chinese regions most vulnerable to global tensions are along the relatively poor northeastern and far western borders.

4.   Infrastructure, especially drainage systems, critics are also claiming, is woefully inadequate and poorly maintained in vulnerable regions where hurricanes and tropical rainstorms are frequent.

5.   It is also a region vulnerable to the seductive influence of American culture.

6.   The countries in the region most vulnerable to the wrath of their youth, according to U.S. intelligence analysts, are Pakistan and Afghanistan.

7.   Four polling stations in the most vulnerable region may be closed.

8.   Holbrooke earlier described Turkey as a staunch U.S. ally in a region vulnerable to radical militants.

9.   Milosevic may be offering Tudjman that strategically vulnerable region in order to keep other, more valuable territory bordering Serbia.

a. + region >>共 728
southern 4.04%
northern 3.53%
mountainous 2.13%
remote 1.96%
eastern 1.93%
entire 1.92%
same 1.92%
breakaway 1.91%
disputed 1.84%
autonomous 1.79%
vulnerable 0.06%
vulnerable + n. >>共 400
people 6.61%
area 5.17%
group 4.58%
position 3.05%
child 2.71%
woman 2.29%
population 2.29%
spot 1.95%
member 1.95%
target 1.61%
region 0.76%
每页显示:    共 9