1.   King Hassan went to Washington on a state visit, when it was expected that he would discuss the question of a revised voting list for the Western Sahara.

2.   Baldwin said it takes only one nomination to get a toy on the voting list.

3.   A list of felons that were to be removed from the voting lists was riddled with the names of innocent people.

4.   Earlier, in the day, a minister says he was purged from voting lists for an erroneous felony accusation.

5.   He said sending the voting list to Mexico would also prevent unscrupulous people from casting ballots under the names of emigres.

6.   In Vogosca one station opened hours late because ballots and voting lists had not arrived.

7.   Mexican election observers, meanwhile, complained of irregularities in voting lists and said thousands of Mexican poll watchers have not been accredited, The Associated Press reported.

8.   To help prevent fraud, voters received picture registration cards and had to be checked off from voting lists that included matching photos.

9.   Voters also were required to sign voting lists and cast their ballots in transparent plastic boxes.

10.   Voting lists are public information and therefore open to anyone seeking public office.

a. + list >>共 1022
disabled 18.67%
injured 12.27%
long 10.02%
wine 2.62%
growing 2.59%
shopping 2.40%
complete 1.66%
new 1.42%
wanted 1.20%
full 1.15%
voting 0.61%
voting + n. >>共 348
right 10.38%
system 7.31%
booth 6.48%
record 5.43%
bloc 4.09%
station 3.88%
irregularity 3.61%
procedure 2.78%
process 2.62%
pattern 2.30%
list 1.50%
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