1.   Since women voters tend to Decide late in the campaign, one wrong remark can cost a candidate dearly.

2.   Middle-class voters have tended to support the Conservative party in Britain, and working-class voters the Labour party.

3.   Among observations about voters at that time was that no matter how much candidates tried to discuss the issues, voters tended to evaluate the candidates more as personalities.

4.   And while the economic recovery has passed Moreno Valley by, voters tend not to blame President Clinton.

5.   And those voters tended to vote for Bush.

6.   Another top Bush adviser, Thomas D. Rath, has repeatedly warned Bush about the way New Hampshire voters tend to move quickly in the final days.

7.   As a rule of thumb, Californian voters tend to reject any ballot initiative they are uncertain about.

8.   As Dole learned last year, voters tend not to turn out incumbents without good reason, and that is especially true during good times.

9.   At the bottom of the ballot, the theory goes, voters tend to mark a straight GOP ticket in an evermore Republican state.

n. + tend >>共 2049
people 5.15%
woman 2.15%
company 1.61%
investor 1.49%
rate 1.48%
man 1.12%
price 0.96%
stock 0.89%
child 0.84%
fund 0.78%
voter 0.77%
voter + v. >>共 800
be 12.12%
have 4.28%
approve 3.80%
say 3.40%
reject 3.04%
choose 2.64%
cast 2.29%
want 2.15%
decide 2.12%
go 2.03%
tend 0.71%
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