1.   Hawaiian folklore tells of the movements of the volcano goddess Pele.

2.   Four outlandish island tribes compete to appease the volcano goddess in this wacky Sega game.

3.   Old Hawaii lingers on the Big Island, the home of the volcano goddess Pele, the daughter of Haumea the earth mother and Wakea the sky father.

4.   The album title, which refers to the Hawaiian volcano goddess, is about her relationships with men.

n. + goddess >>共 47
sex 13.64%
screen 8.18%
sun 8.18%
mother 5.45%
fertility 4.55%
water 4.55%
earth 3.64%
volcano 3.64%
moon 3.64%
fire 2.73%
volcano + n. >>共 66
eruption 10.53%
expert 9.02%
crater 7.52%
observatory 4.51%
victim 3.76%
goddess 3.01%
crisis 3.01%
system 3.01%
alert 2.26%
movie 2.26%
每页显示:    共 4