1.   Where volcanic debris is mixed with water a rapidly moving mud flow, or lahar, can be produced.

2.   If heavy rains continue the rim could be breached, and a wave of water and volcanic debris sweep through towns and villages below, geologists say.

3.   Play was interrupted for three years during their reign because the national soccer field was buried by volcanic debris along with the entire capital city, Plymouth.

4.   Successive firestorms of searing ash and volcanic debris swept through the town with the force of a hurricane and temperatures approaching those in a blast furnace.

5.   Then the volcanic debris piled up on top of which I stand, binoculars in hand, looking back the other way.

6.   Thousands of people have been killed in the dozen or so big volcanic debris slides, known as lahars, that have been cataloged during the past century.

7.   Police said volcanic debris set loose by incessant rains from the slopes of Pinatubo over the weekend also sent thousands more residents in several towns fleeing to evacuation camps.

8.   Police said volcanic debris set loose from the slopes of Pinatubo by the incessant rains also sent thousands more residents in several towns fleeing to evacuation camps.

9.   Rampaging volcanic debris set loose by heavy rains on the slopes of Mount Pinatubo swamped six villages, forcing a mass evacuation Sunday.

10.   A multi-million dollar dike meant to stop destructive flows of volcanic debris from Mount Pinatubo may fail because of poor design, scientists said Wednesday.

a. + debris >>共 263
flying 14.05%
falling 12.07%
volcanic 5.05%
floating 3.51%
burning 3.07%
clear 2.85%
flaming 2.31%
radioactive 1.87%
charred 1.76%
away 1.65%
volcanic + n. >>共 202
activity 21.11%
eruption 16.50%
ash 8.54%
rock 7.45%
debris 3.85%
island 3.43%
crater 1.42%
mountain 1.34%
dust 1.26%
soil 1.26%
每页显示:    共 46