1.   Modules at this stage have minimal pre entry recommendations and offer opportunities to develop a wide range of skills, some of which may lead to vocational competence.

2.   Basic skills are further developed such that some vocational competences in the individual Science disciplines may be achieved.

3.   Modules under development at this stage will provide a wide range of opportunities to specialise in the Sciences and to develop further vocational competences.

4.   These modules will provide the opportunity for students to specialise in the Sciences and develop vocational competences including Lead Body Standards where these are available.

a. + competence >>共 108
professional 11.96%
technical 6.22%
mental 5.26%
quiet 4.31%
linguistic 2.39%
managerial 1.91%
economic 1.91%
basic 1.91%
english 1.91%
specialised 1.91%
vocational 1.91%
vocational + n. >>共 85
training 31.53%
education 9.94%
program 7.99%
qualification 5.83%
course 4.54%
skill 3.67%
center 3.67%
rehabilitation 2.59%
area 1.08%
guidance 1.08%
competence 0.86%
每页显示:    共 4