1.   A visiting congressman and even my friend were bite victims.

2.   A visiting congressman, Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., also raised the case during a visit to Beijing in January.

3.   He will charm visiting U.S. congressmen and win over journalists with his accessibility.

4.   One exception was a banquet the Chinese gave last week for a visiting U.S. congressman, Rep. Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

5.   A visiting U.S. congressmen said Wednesday that human rights conditions have improved in East Timor, where Indonesian troops are fighting separatist guerrillas.

6.   A visiting U.S. congressman last month was assured the criminal sanctions would be dropped.

7.   A visiting U.S. congressman said Wednesday he gave a top Chinese official a letter asking for help resolving the case of a detained U.S.-based Chinese businessman.

8.   A visiting U.S. congressman promised Monday that Washington would help prevent that, officials said.

9.   Also Friday, Defense Agency head Norota told four visiting U.S. congressmen that these bills will probably be enacted in May, Kyodo News agency reported.

10.   The United States and Russia should cooperate more closely on nuclear nonproliferation following nuclear tests by Pakistan and India, a visiting U.S. congressman said Saturday.

a. + congressman >>共 197
former 22.46%
republican 15.56%
democratic 10.34%
local 3.17%
black 2.33%
federal 1.86%
the 1.49%
visiting 1.40%
young 1.40%
american 1.30%
visiting + n. >>共 556
team 8.18%
dignitary 4.57%
delegation 3.78%
leader 3.43%
relative 2.82%
official 2.78%
head 2.39%
scholar 2.36%
journalist 2.14%
hour 2.03%
congressman 0.54%
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