1.   Block said Wednesday that visitation privileges extended to Simpson have been court-ordered.

2.   The inmates demanded that Roh be moved from his extra-large cell into an ordinary one, and that his unlimited visitation privileges be revoked.

3.   They demanded that Roh be moved from his extra-large cell and that his unlimited visitation privileges be revoked.

4.   Though he lost, he won visitation privileges and would proudly drive her around Redskin Park in a golf cart to watch practice.

5.   Yasipour told officers he was upset after a judge reduced his visitation privileges at a custody hearing earlier Friday.

6.   Sarah Ferguson was granted permanent custody of their two daughters and Prince Andrew, second son of Queen Elizabeth II, was granted visitation privileges.

n. + privilege >>共 137
attorney-client 27.69%
trade 17.09%
lawyer-client 8.39%
tax 3.80%
access 2.06%
phone 1.90%
function 1.90%
travel 1.11%
telephone 0.95%
export 0.95%
visitation 0.95%
visitation + n. >>共 35
right 57.93%
order 4.27%
schedule 4.27%
privilege 3.66%
agreement 3.05%
law 2.44%
list 2.44%
room 1.83%
program 1.22%
battle 1.22%
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