1.   As a result, the government moved the NGOs to Huairou and the response on visa requests has been slow.

2.   Before turning to a London clinic, Pinochet had apparently planned to have his surgery done in France, but the French foreign ministry refused his visa request.

3.   After the U.S. Embassy in Moscow rejected her visa request, Ms. Spiridonova was in tears.

4.   But the U.S. consulate in Frankfurt turned down his visa request, and bin al-Shibh was stranded in Germany.

5.   His ministry handles visa requests from journalists, academics, writers, film makers and artists, and oversees the tourism ministry.

6.   In response to the visa request, the Russian Embassy in Washington asked Law to fax a copy of the new religion law.

7.   Ms. Smith said she had had doubts about the visa requests from the beginning of her tenure.

8.   One European ambassador acknowledges that he sometimes expedites tourist visa requests for his caviar vendor and his family.

9.   Ordinarily, Lerch said, the State Department accedes to visa requests underwritten by the American Physical Society.

10.   The other visa requests are still being considered, American officials said.

n. + request >>共 487
extradition 21.28%
interview 10.91%
asylum 4.76%
defense 4.72%
budget 2.67%
government 2.43%
prosecution 2.12%
visa 1.74%
medium 1.40%
trade 1.27%
visa + n. >>共 179
requirement 16.05%
application 11.60%
restriction 7.92%
problem 4.31%
request 3.61%
program 2.76%
office 2.62%
violation 2.62%
rule 2.12%
process 2.05%
每页显示:    共 51