1.   Finally, you could have a swimming pool company make a vinyl liner.

2.   The contractor recommended a vinyl liner.

3.   The larger ones generally consist of a firm galvanized steel or aluminum wall, over which a vinyl liner is draped.

4.   The vinyl liner is flexible.

5.   Vinyl liners, which are now made as tough as the lining material for the roof of a house, can create an inviting color or patterned environment.

n. + liner >>共 81
ocean 30.04%
luxury 14.57%
cruise 12.78%
flue 4.04%
passenger 2.91%
lip 2.24%
bed 2.02%
bin 2.02%
paper 1.57%
clay 1.57%
vinyl 1.12%
vinyl + n. >>共 180
siding 9.31%
record 7.52%
tile 5.94%
floor 3.56%
chair 2.97%
bag 2.77%
flooring 2.57%
window 2.18%
seat 2.18%
album 1.98%
liner 0.99%
每页显示:    共 5