1.   Nearly four years after viewing the wreckage of Pearl Harbor, Myrick stood in the atomic rubble of Nagasaki.

2.   On Wednesday Bush met twice with his national security team, hosted a bipartisan group of congressional leaders, lunched with Cheney and viewed the wreckage at the Pentagon.

3.   Jounalists who viewed the wreckage Sunday said a wing section had bullet holes, some large ones that appeared to be large caliber anti-aircraft rounds.

4.   Journalists who viewed the wreckage Sunday said a wing section had damage that appeared to be from large caliber antiaircraft rounds.

5.   Journalists who viewed the wreckage Sunday said a wing section had damage that appeared to be from large caliber anti-aircraft rounds.

6.   Lisa Rowe said viewing the wreckage brought people closer together.

7.   The remote-controlled, deep-diving vehicle, the Super Scorpio II, was using sonar and two video cameras to view the wreckage.

8.   The remote-controlled, deep-diving vehicle, the Super Scorpio II, began searching Friday, using sonar and two video cameras to view the wreckage.

9.   Those who viewed the wreckage were unanimous that no one could have survived.

10.   Kreindler said his experts have not been allowed to view the wreckage, which is being stored in a hangar in Long Island.

v. + wreckage >>共 161
find 11.24%
examine 6.74%
clear 4.21%
spot 4.07%
search 3.93%
reach 3.37%
locate 3.23%
remove 2.81%
recover 2.81%
see 2.67%
view 1.54%
view + n. >>共 1726
world 1.25%
tape 0.93%
film 0.91%
body 0.88%
report 0.80%
move 0.78%
life 0.76%
video 0.75%
photo 0.73%
case 0.73%
wreckage 0.20%
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