1.   But Stilwell viewed the world in simplistic terms, devoid of subtlety or nuance.

2.   He viewed the world with Olympian detachment.

3.   Joe viewed the world through what at the time would have been considered a prism of realism.

4.   The windscreen wipers give us two neat fan shapes to view the world through.

5.   They viewed the world through dark wrap-around shades beneath pork-pie hats or stingy brims.

6.   Those days of walking and talking utterly changed the way I viewed the world.

7.   How different it is when someone, perhaps someone close to us, perhaps someone we have never met, helps us to view the world through different eyes.

8.   He wiped a peephole from the condensation on the window and viewed the world beyond.

9.   They even viewed the world of art from opposite standpoints, and had totally different standards.

v. + world >>共 828
see 5.26%
change 4.96%
travel 4.88%
save 3.30%
lead 2.65%
enter 2.29%
create 1.79%
rid 1.65%
divide 1.41%
tour 1.37%
view 1.33%
view + n. >>共 1726
world 1.25%
tape 0.93%
film 0.91%
body 0.88%
report 0.80%
move 0.78%
life 0.76%
video 0.75%
photo 0.73%
case 0.73%
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