1.   He hopes the video will play its part in the Parliamentary process.

2.   As the video played, Anderson leaned over, put his head in his hands and covered his eyes.

3.   At Storefront, the color slides are dimly projected onto a white wall, while the video plays on a small monitor in the corner.

4.   A new video is playing on the Great American Country channel.

5.   A video played on CNN showed people milling about the rubble, with one man saying that he pulled one dead person and several injured from the debris.

6.   Full-motion video plays in the background.

7.   The occasional video plays on TV screens throughout.

8.   This video almost plays like an episode of the show itself.

9.   We already know provocative music and videos play a role in our views of sexuality.

10.   Whether or not the DVD format succeeds, digital video will play a major role in the evolution of both the TV and the PC.

n. + play >>共 1277
team 11.01%
child 3.00%
band 2.59%
player 1.90%
kid 1.36%
woman 1.22%
guy 1.12%
people 1.04%
chance 1.00%
music 0.99%
video 0.08%
video + v. >>共 260
be 27.65%
show 14.45%
have 2.50%
feature 1.93%
come 1.45%
help 1.45%
play 1.25%
become 1.25%
include 1.16%
make 0.96%
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