1.   A band called Soil, whose video featured playing so loud that the roof collapsed, scrapped that scene as no longer appropriate.

2.   A recruiting video Wednesday featured punchy music and agents repelling from a helicopter, riding horses and shooting targets in the desert.

3.   On this night, the black and white video features a group of Vietnamese refugees protesting in California.

4.   Popular because Those videos feature macabre animation of gelatinous sausage people, broken dolls and evil little beings doing horrible things with sharp objects.

5.   That video featured a digitally enhanced re-examination of the shooting of President John F. Kennedy, and included more footage than had previously been released.

6.   The accompanying video features a cameo by Collins.

7.   The three-minute video features Turner Sports hosts Ernie Johnson and Kenny Smith and a studio guest talking about the NBA playoffs.

8.   The video featured several women from Cracow who had suffered domestic abuse, and who told their stories.

9.   The video features the lyrics with a bouncing ball for viewers to sing along.

10.   The video features dancing syringes OD victims on stretchers, and tombstones.

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video + v. >>共 260
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