1.   He clearly enjoyed the vicarious thrill of reading about grisly murders.

2.   Many people enjoyed the vicarious thrill of military victory.

3.   And because the contestants are not brainiacs with arcane areas of expertise but ordinary Americans who answer general-knowledge questions, the average viewer gets a vicarious thrill.

4.   And blame for that deficiency should rest with the kind of shareholders who get vicarious thrills from the savagery they hire him to perform.

5.   And we do watch, tsk-tsking while getting off on the vicarious thrill or prurience of it all.

6.   Armchair mountaineering is a time-honored tradition among those seeking vicarious thrills from the comfort of their own homes.

7.   As vicarious thrill, nobody does it better than NASCAR.

8.   Aunt Lavinia gets a vicarious thrill seeing her niece in this enviable situation and promotes the relationship.

9.   But for Japanese viewers, the biggest vicarious thrill may simply be confrontational debate.

10.   For those who have no business spending that kind of money, stick to the vicarious thrill of the free, the convenient, the ubiquitous mail order catalog.

a. + thrill >>共 214
cheap 10.48%
biggest 5.65%
vicarious 4.44%
big 4.03%
new 3.02%
great 2.82%
greatest 2.02%
same 2.02%
real 2.02%
sheer 1.81%
vicarious + n. >>共 57
thrill 20.37%
experience 9.26%
pleasure 6.48%
enjoyment 3.70%
liability 3.70%
living 2.78%
adventure 1.85%
excitement 1.85%
pride 1.85%
pain 1.85%
每页显示:    共 22