1.   Anders gets vibrant performances from a cast of mostly unknown young performers.

2.   Audiences connect to the familiar aspects, and then get jazzed by the ingenious storytelling structure, the vibrant performances and the challenge of piecing together the plot.

3.   Bullock pulls off the most vibrant performance of her career, playing a woman whose willingness to embrace change masks deep insecurities about how she has led her life.

4.   Dennis Russell Davies led a vibrant performance and elicited some of the firmest and most transparent playing the American Composers Orchestra has produced in recent seasons.

5.   Speculum Musicae, conducted by Donald Palma, gives a vibrant performance.

6.   The Dinosaur Annex Music Ensemble, conducted by Scott Wheeler, give a vibrant performance.

7.   To judge from the excellent Deutsche Grammophon recording, Nagano gave a vibrant performance of this complex, nearly five-hour score.

8.   Their vibrant performance in the field was a far cry from their dismal showings in the World Cup.

a. + performance >>共 953
poor 5.30%
strong 4.68%
good 2.42%
best 2.41%
economic 1.98%
live 1.67%
financial 1.60%
impressive 1.36%
better 1.36%
recent 1.30%
vibrant 0.06%
vibrant + n. >>共 331
economy 9.02%
color 7.57%
community 2.62%
center 2.04%
city 1.89%
market 1.60%
performance 1.16%
culture 1.02%
flavor 1.02%
life 1.02%
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