1.   If a pulsating type tinnitus is present and the doctor suspects a vascular cause, he may recommend investigation of the carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries.

2.   If a pulsating type tinnitus is present and the doctor suspects a vascular cause, some doctors would recommend investigation of the carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries.

3.   Not everyone who has suffered a dissected carotid or vertebral artery has been as fortunate.

4.   Vertebral artery dissection is more common in fatal automobile accidents.

5.   He later had surgery to repair an aneurysm of the vertebral artery.

a. + artery >>共 173
blocked 14.55%
clogged 12.81%
main 8.73%
major 8.73%
carotid 8.27%
narrowed 2.44%
open 2.21%
key 1.63%
small 1.40%
mammary 1.28%
vertebral 0.58%
vertebral + n. >>共 8
fracture 33.33%
artery 27.78%
disc 11.11%
colon 5.56%
crush 5.56%
injury 5.56%
opening 5.56%
problem 5.56%
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