1.   Or perhaps it would simply be an opportunity to vent their spleen.

2.   Pray heaven Araminta was not going to vent her spleen again!

3.   The meeting gave us a chance to vent our spleen .

4.   We pour another glass and vent our spleen on drug barons and dope fiends.

5.   Besides that, citizens who want to vent their spleen back up the electronic pipeline will find few people listening.

6.   But most Republican spleen was vented on the Democratic congressman who made the tape available.

7.   Hackman, playing against type, seems to be venting his spleen by imitating one of his less-favorite business cronies.

8.   Most Republican spleen was vented on the Democrat who made the tape available.

9.   Of course you might feel more than peevish after an experience like that, you might feel a need to vent your spleen, something hardly anybody does anymore.

10.   So Griffey the Younger and Bagwell and Gwynn are wandering in limbo, wearing the hat color of your choice and affording you the chance to vent your spleen.

v. + spleen >>共 15
remove 38.81%
vent 26.87%
rupture 10.45%
have 4.48%
attack 2.99%
lose 2.99%
blow 1.49%
cause 1.49%
discover 1.49%
examine 1.49%
vent + n. >>共 109
anger 29.57%
frustration 22.14%
rage 5.20%
feeling 3.71%
fury 2.67%
spleen 2.67%
attic 1.78%
gas 1.49%
steam 1.49%
outrage 1.34%
每页显示:    共 18