1.   Windows should be opened to vent the fumes.

2.   At the same time, other parties were working to vent the fumes out a stack above the top deck.

3.   The toxic fumes were vented up the chimney.

4.   A father who spent years spoon-feeding his disabled daughter before venting exhaust fumes to end her life was found guilty Wednesday of second-degree murder.

5.   At his trial, Latimer pleaded innocent but admitted he vented exhaust fumes to end her life.

v. + fume >>共 91
inhale 22.30%
emit 7.21%
breathe 6.23%
ignite 4.59%
release 4.59%
spew 3.61%
smell 2.95%
exhaust 2.95%
report 2.30%
send 1.97%
vent 1.64%
vent + n. >>共 109
anger 29.57%
frustration 22.14%
rage 5.20%
feeling 3.71%
fury 2.67%
spleen 2.67%
attic 1.78%
gas 1.49%
steam 1.49%
outrage 1.34%
fume 0.74%
每页显示:    共 5