1.   Read in studio A new device to stop high vehicles hitting bridges is undergoing tests.

2.   The driver lost his legs when the vehicle hit a motorway bridge.

3.   The vehicle hit a rut in the road near Market Lavington and overturned.

4.   FRESH calls for a bypass were made last night after a heavy goods vehicle hit the underside of a railway bridge in Cleveland.

5.   Traffic lights throughout Seaham were thrown into chaos yesterday after a heavy goods vehicle hit a post on the Times Inn bank, bringing down an electricity cable.

6.   Another was wounded Sunday and three were slightly injured when their armored vehicle hit a mine, according to Yugoslav officials.

7.   David Johnson, a State Department spokesman, said late Saturday afternoon, that American officials are inclined to think that the vehicle did not hit a landmine.

8.   In his speech to auto executives here, Martinez briefly raised the issue of what happens when sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks and minivans hit cars.

9.   In four months, there has not been a single serious incident involving peacekeepers, though two Canadian vehicles hit mines in March, injuring one soldier.

n. + hit >>共 961
shell 3.44%
ball 2.69%
plane 2.64%
missile 2.43%
bullet 2.21%
bomb 1.78%
car 1.78%
rocket 1.78%
storm 1.44%
shot 1.38%
vehicle 0.99%
vehicle + v. >>共 524
be 21.67%
have 4.27%
hit 3.16%
come 2.50%
go 1.99%
roll 1.71%
run 1.42%
drive 1.39%
carry 1.31%
travel 1.22%
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