1.   But the stability requirements specifically require designers to consider the effects of large amounts of water on the vehicle deck and of rougher seas.

2.   It takes only a moderate amount of water sloshing around on the vehicle deck of a ro-ro to put the vessel at risk of tipping over.

3.   The heavy trucks have been chained to floor mountings on the vehicle deck.

4.   --Audible alarms should be fitted to key doors and both the bridge and engine room should monitor closed circuit televisions on vehicle decks for possible leakage.

5.   Like the Estonia, the Baltic Kristina has a bow door that raises like a visor to give access to the vehicle deck.

6.   The Estonia sank en route to Stockholm when heavy seas tore off its visor-like bow door and water surged into the vehicle deck.

7.   The Estonia sank en route to Stockholm from Tallinn, Estonia, when heavy seas ripped off its bow door and water poured into the vehicle deck.

8.   The letter inidcated the administration did not take direct responsibility for inspecting the bulkheads that were to keep water from entering the vehicle deck.

9.   Water flooded the vehicle deck after the door was torn off.

10.   Water flowed into the vehicle deck, causing the ship to sink.

n. + deck >>共 104
observation 24.37%
pool 7.54%
rear 6.78%
car 5.03%
vehicle 4.27%
roof 3.77%
swim 2.76%
carrier 2.76%
bridge 2.26%
hangar 2.26%
vehicle + n. >>共 463
sale 7.08%
owner 3.08%
manufacturer 2.28%
production 2.16%
market 2.09%
emission 2.09%
traffic 1.79%
registration 1.79%
number 1.79%
theft 1.54%
deck 1.05%
每页显示:    共 17