1.   Gently cook the mushrooms and onions in the vegetable stock.

2.   Add vegetable stock.

3.   Add vegetable stock and bay leaves.

4.   Fish and vegetable stocks cook quickly, chicken stocks fall in the middle, and beef and veal stocks can cook almost all day for the richest results.

5.   Following is a basic recipe for a vegetable stock that can be used as the foundation for myriad soups.

6.   For vegetarians, this makes a delicious main-dish salad without the chicken and with vegetable stock in place of chicken stock.

7.   Keller uses vegetable stock, but at home you can use either water or a mild chicken broth, if you like.

8.   Of course, there was always the option of vegetable stock, but its diffused, nonspecific flavor was not what I was after.

9.   Pour apple cider and vegetable stock around squash.

10.   She then encased that intensified flavor in tomato puree before adding homemade vegetable stock.

a. + stock >>共 735
japanese 8.79%
canadian 3.09%
financial 3.06%
mexican 2.95%
european 2.02%
philippine 1.85%
brazilian 1.71%
colombian 1.71%
chilean 1.69%
new 1.59%
vegetable 0.12%
vegetable + n. >>共 312
garden 11.46%
market 5.73%
peeler 3.49%
soup 2.96%
price 2.83%
spray 2.24%
stand 2.11%
dish 2.04%
mixture 1.98%
crop 1.98%
stock 1.38%
每页显示:    共 21