1.   Binary tree to generate variable length codes Fig.

2.   Further data formats are also provided, for variable length fixed-point binary arithmetic and fixed-length floating-point binary arithmetic.

3.   It offers Structured Query Language and transaction management capabilities with multi-valued fields, variable length records and dynamic re-structuring.

4.   Sequential files are easy to use, they will support records of variable length and they use the backing storage media space efficiently.

5.   The Ilmor engine uses variable length air inlet trumpets which may have been one of the main targets of the spies, Grand Prix observers said.

a. + length >>共 317
great 23.05%
full 6.83%
entire 5.67%
varying 2.93%
extraordinary 2.87%
same 2.80%
average 2.20%
short 1.83%
considerable 1.65%
greater 1.52%
variable 0.30%
variable + n. >>共 188
cloudiness 22.27%
annuity 20.36%
cloud 12.84%
rate 7.02%
analysis 2.51%
morning 2.41%
speed 1.50%
transmission 1.50%
life 0.90%
quality 0.90%
length 0.50%
每页显示:    共 5