1.   But after he spent months researching various vampire myths, the money for that film evaporated with the producers.

2.   From Italy to Malaysia and Greece to India, vampire myths abound.

3.   Set mainly in the East Village, the movie creates a creepy, compelling analogy between vampire myths and substance abuse.

4.   The sexiest of monsters, the vampire myth shows up everywhere, from ancient Greece to China to Australia.

5.   The vampire myth, born many centuries ago in Eastern Europe, describe the monsters as corpses that somehow came to life.

n. + myth >>共 77
creation 15.57%
vampire 4.10%
minority 3.28%
model 3.28%
call 2.46%
movie 2.46%
hacker 2.46%
medium 2.46%
hero 1.64%
language 1.64%
vampire + n. >>共 102
movie 8.98%
hunter 4.19%
slayer 4.19%
game 3.59%
cult 2.99%
legend 2.99%
myth 2.99%
tooth 2.40%
fan 1.80%
lore 1.80%
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