1.   And landowners would have more say in preservation activity on their land and would be compensated if their property values decline.

2.   -- A bill called the Private Property Protection Act would compensate landowners when the value of their property declined because its use had been restricted by federal regulations.

3.   Estate taxes are determined at the date of death, or six months later if the value of the estate declines.

4.   Fund values have also declined due to write-downs of failed dot-coms and other technology startups.

5.   German bonds plunged, led by losses in the notes and short-term contracts, whose value declines when rate cut hopes wane.

6.   He also pointed to several studies that found property values did not decline after a group home opens in a neighborhood.

7.   He said if the national economy were mismanaged, interest rates could soar and the value of stocks decline.

8.   If the desired effect is achieved, passports should be less attractive targets for thieves because their resale value will decline.

9.   If the shooting leaves some customers leery about the mall, sales and property values could decline.

10.   In Mesa, merchants have closed or relocated their shops and property values have declined as competition from nearby shopping malls increases.

n. + decline >>共 582
official 20.84%
spokesman 8.98%
company 4.99%
spokeswoman 3.23%
stock 2.95%
police 2.86%
price 2.71%
executive 1.51%
authority 1.49%
prosecutor 1.13%
value 0.22%
value + v. >>共 308
be 40.54%
rise 2.62%
fall 2.57%
go 1.73%
increase 1.68%
depend 1.68%
have 1.68%
plummet 1.62%
decline 1.56%
soar 1.23%
每页显示:    共 28