1.   And will there be some value creation as a result of doing it?

2.   In the fertilisers, cycles and tubes businesses, McKinsey has recommended restructuring through value creation as the industry is not attractive.

3.   Therefore, value creation is the only thing that is going tomake a difference.

4.   It also said it expected improved operating income and value creation for the full-year, excluding items affecting comparability.

n. + creation >>共 144
job 68.95%
wealth 2.69%
trade 1.61%
credit 1.34%
medium 1.34%
employment 1.21%
money 0.81%
database 0.67%
year 0.54%
value 0.54%
value + n. >>共 350
investor 12.36%
system 7.66%
stock 7.47%
fund 6.03%
tax 3.54%
manager 2.11%
issue 2.01%
proposition 1.53%
chain 1.34%
judgement 1.15%
creation 0.38%
每页显示:    共 4