1.   I had visited her often in the London hospital where vain efforts were made to stop the spread of cancer.

2.   As Weight pulled the trigger, Ulf Samuelsson dropped to the ice in a vain effort to block the shot.

3.   He said that the NATO bombing campaign had moved from military targets to civilian ones in a vain effort to demoralize ordinary people.

4.   He left the State Department along with Baker in a vain effort to win a second term for Bush against an upstart Arkansas governor named Bill Clinton.

5.   He must be careful not to cause lasting damage to the economy in a vain effort to save his own skin.

6.   In fact, the video shelves are crowded with these vain efforts to reinvent the movie wheel.

7.   In January, Fyodorov resigned from the government in a vain effort to get Gerashchenko dismissed.

8.   Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon both employed a variety of go-betweens in a vain effort to communicate with Ho Chi Minh and his successors in Hanoi.

9.   On Wednesday, President Bill Clinton spent hours shuttling between the suites of the two gentlemen in one more vain effort to coax a peace treaty out of them.

10.   The Russian government halted trading for several hours Tuesday in a vain effort to halt the slide.

a. + effort >>共 805
diplomatic 4.27%
international 3.51%
concerted 1.94%
joint 1.85%
new 1.71%
lobbying 1.34%
best 1.26%
marketing 1.21%
similar 1.18%
fund-raising 1.06%
vain 0.10%
vain + n. >>共 49
attempt 34.65%
hope 15.35%
effort 10.40%
bid 6.44%
search 4.46%
man 1.49%
manhunt 1.49%
quest 1.49%
woman 1.49%
plea 0.99%
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