1.   Taken together, these data suggest that ASFV might encode an RNA polymerase similar to that of vaccinia virus.

2.   This finding strongly suggests that ASFV transcription is carried out by a multisubunit virus-encoded RNA polymerase similar to those of vaccinia virus and eukaryotic cells.

3.   Even when given to healthy people, smallpox vaccines infrequently produce dangerous reactions because the vaccine uses a live vaccinia virus, which is similar to smallpox.

4.   Growing the vaccinia virus is only the first step in a long manufacturing process.

5.   Large-scale production will almost certainly begin with vaccines made from a live but less dangerous form of smallpox called vaccinia virus, federal and industry officials say.

6.   Later, the related vaccinia virus was used for the purpose.

7.   The vaccinia seed virus to make more smallpox vaccine will also be kept.

8.   The vaccine was prepared by inserting hanta virus genes in the vaccinia virus that once was a standard way to prevent smallpox.

9.   To make VRG, a protein coating containing rabies antigens is added to the vaccinia virus using recombinant methods.

10.   Unquestionably useful in the field of public health is the vaccinia virus.

n. + virus >>共 196
flu 11.16%
stomach 10.81%
smallpox 6.24%
influenza 5.18%
hepatitis 4.92%
herpes 4.83%
macro 3.51%
polio 3.34%
bird 3.34%
encephalitis 2.81%
vaccinia 0.97%
vaccinia + n. >>共 4
virus 68.75%
globulin 18.75%
immunoglobulin 6.25%
vaccine 6.25%
每页显示:    共 11