1.   The user can select any screen font he or she prefers and can enter copy in almost any fashion.

2.   The map user can select features of interest from the digital map and display them in a way that is suited to his or her requirements.

3.   The user simply selects available options based on what the user wants to get out of the system.

4.   This phase will only be entered if no errors were detected during the prepass phase and the user has selected to continue at the end of the prepass phase.

5.   When the user selects the Exit MANAGER System option, the command procedure should remove all the additional privileges before depositing the user into VMS.

6.   Similarly, an error message will be generated if the users selects the Preferred version of a package, when no preferred version has been set.

7.   A display page which allows the user to select from a set of previously input values.

8.   These feature a large colour screen allowing users to select the information source they want simply by pointing or pressing the appropriate colour-coded key.

9.   Both let users select a word or phrase on screen and see a pop-up list of related information.

10.   A Practice Area lets the user select different kinds of texts, including fiction and history, for a keyboard workout.

n. + select >>共 384
user 3.74%
voter 2.92%
team 2.73%
committee 2.64%
party 2.46%
player 2.19%
company 2.19%
government 2.01%
student 1.91%
customer 1.73%
user + v. >>共 888
be 9.63%
have 5.75%
get 2.03%
need 1.82%
find 1.79%
download 1.70%
see 1.48%
send 1.48%
want 1.33%
make 1.28%
select 0.62%
每页显示:    共 41