1.   Counsel and Care found sedatives were used without serious or regular review, and listening devices and video cameras were employed.

2.   Occupational therapists also can modify items to make it possible to use them without placing a strain on arthritic joints.

3.   These would be used without being properly vetted and were likely to contain inaccuracies.

4.   It should be borne in mind, however, that some approaches, used without proper consideration of the issues involved, may be distressing or even damaging.

5.   Cited works may be used without consultation, or may be used without their having had any real influence on the ideas contained in the paper.

6.   It should not be used without reference to that commentary.

7.   There are three basic reasons why this figure should not be used without qualification.

8.   He said that the essence of the duty seems more likely to be that of not using without paying rather than of not using at all.

9.   We had complaints that it was being used without permission.

v. + without >>共 860
go 6.20%
hold 4.20%
play 3.93%
leave 3.67%
say 3.21%
pass 2.27%
end 1.74%
come 1.72%
release 1.56%
work 1.44%
use 0.47%
use + p. >>共 73
in 33.32%
for 24.19%
as 17.42%
to 7.98%
on 4.26%
against 2.33%
at 2.15%
with 1.66%
during 1.10%
by 0.88%
without 0.33%
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