1.   In addition to being consistent over time, it is clearly desirable that indicators used within a single year be consistent.

2.   The data is also used within states for drawing intrastate political districts.

3.   The last is licence compliance - the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation.

4.   In addition, specialist teams have been engaged over the last few years in the systematic examination of the wide range of packaging materials used within the Group.

5.   The mnemonics used in the Relationships Listing map onto the text strings used within a module header.

6.   All the strategies referred to elsewhere in this book can be used within the context of a whole group drama.

7.   One classification scheme used within the TEI scheme is based on the fact that many elements share the same set of attributes.

8.   Conditional assembly is used within the macro to select either the screen or the auxiliary output depending on the value of opflag.

9.   SPC can only be used within a PRINT or INPUT statement.

10.   The major part of the output is used within ICI, chiefly for acrylic plastics, paints and a group of products called functional methacrylates.

v. + within >>共 790
stay 3.03%
expect 3.01%
die 2.64%
work 2.49%
complete 2.33%
hold 1.98%
live 1.92%
occur 1.78%
operate 1.67%
begin 1.61%
use 0.63%
use + p. >>共 73
in 33.32%
for 24.19%
as 17.42%
to 7.98%
on 4.26%
against 2.33%
at 2.15%
with 1.66%
during 1.10%
by 0.88%
within 0.20%
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