1.   There are three ways in which competition policy might be used to promote the interests of domestic producers.

2.   The vote also stops public buildings being used to promote field sports, so could this mean that books on hunting will vanish from the libraries.

3.   As Ms. Douglas tells it, the peasants described their visions, and the priests compiled them in books used to promote their orders.

4.   Besides the pro-animal efforts, the festival was also used to promote other traditionally liberal political causes.

5.   Biblical passages are used to promote religious agendas of right and left.

6.   A few weeks back, we told you about all the World Wide Web pages being used to promote summer movies.

7.   All the embassies around the world could be used to promote American interests.

8.   But many people said they were angry that the money from the tax was used to promote Jackson.

9.   But public officials are beginning to realize that bottling can be used to promote tap water, she added.

10.   But Sunday, Piazza made two spectacular catches on foul pops that certainly will be used to promote his MVP candidacy.

v. + promote >>共 119
use 19.41%
work 11.30%
do 5.41%
set_up 3.93%
establish 3.44%
can 3.44%
create 2.70%
organize 2.46%
form 2.21%
found 2.21%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
promote 0.44%
每页显示:    共 79