1.   And everybody, by and large, still uses gasoline.

2.   Are you using quality gasoline with additives that keep them from gumming up?

3.   Because they are bigger and heavier, they use more gasoline.

4.   Before its merger, Chrysler considered the novel approach of producing hydrogen on-board by using gasoline.

5.   A company spokesman said Texaco had received assurances that the gasoline would be used only within Montenegro, which has said it is neutral in the current conflict.

6.   But Honda has taken a startlingly different approach to the same goal, using gasoline.

7.   But Honda has taken a startlingly different approaching to the same goal, using gasoline.

8.   But some experts suspected the offerings were too generous, especially when they did not even require anyone to stop using gasoline.

9.   But the Mondeo uses premium gasoline, a drawback in a country where gasoline costs three to four times what it does in the United States, he said.

10.   But the hybrid vehicle can also travel farther because it uses gasoline.

v. + gasoline >>共 163
pour 10.20%
sell 8.03%
use 6.69%
buy 6.52%
produce 4.52%
make 3.51%
throw 2.51%
carry 1.51%
dispense 1.17%
ration 1.17%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
gasoline 0.04%
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