1.   An additional line of inquiry undercuts a competing theory, that a disgruntled employee of a domestic laboratory that uses anthrax carried out the attacks.

2.   Bioterrorism experts have long worried about nations like Iraq using anthrax on American civilians.

3.   A Belgian kennel has fallen victim to a terrorist attack in which the deadly disease anthrax was used.

4.   But the report said the vaccine was never proven effective against airborne spores, which is how anthrax would be used as a weapon.

5.   Even so, it is probably only a matter of time before someone succeeds at using anthrax or a similar deadly agent, Sopko said.

6.   FBI agents checked every American laboratory that uses anthrax and found that none were missing inventory.

7.   For more than a decade, terrorists have threatened to use anthrax to wage germ warfare in the United States and abroad.

8.   Government officials have stated anthrax was being used by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and some terrorist organizations to in efforts to develop biological weapons.

9.   Instead, he said, scientists there used wet anthrax, which is far easier to make.

10.   Officials are on alert for terrorists who may be trying to use anthrax as a biological weapon to make people sick.

v. + anthrax >>共 140
contract 10.96%
contain 10.60%
have 8.28%
find 7.55%
treat 6.21%
discover 3.17%
detect 3.05%
cause 2.92%
use 2.68%
include 2.68%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
anthrax 0.02%
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