1.   However, weaving can also be used to add colour and interest to small area of garments.

2.   TITLE can be used to add a descriptive comment to help identify the file at a later stage.

3.   The same argument can be used to add a few more names to the list, but the total is still not large.

4.   Anabolic steroids, which are used to add muscle mass and aid recovery from strenuous workouts, have side effects ranging from severe acne to heart and liver disease.

5.   But copper wire still dominates the local loop, the wires that hook up computers and phones within offices, or that are used to add second phone lines.

6.   But other workshops discussed current research in evolutionary biology and how the latest findings could be used to add new life to lessons.

7.   Expansion slots are used to add features to a computer.

8.   In another exchange, Gates said the proposed settlement would force Microsoft to reveal to competitors secret encryption data the company uses to add security features to Microsoft products.

9.   It can even be used to add a splash of lively flavor to a fruit compote.

10.   Lysine is used to add protein to the diets of farm animals.

v. + add >>共 155
say 13.53%
be 13.03%
retransmit 11.03%
use 6.02%
work 4.01%
rush 2.26%
do 2.01%
have 1.00%
figure 1.00%
remain 1.00%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
add 0.13%
每页显示:    共 24